
How AI is Transforming the Role of Khmer Translators

Translation is much more than just substituting words in one language with another; it is an art that requires understanding, cultural sensitivity, and technical skill. When one works with non-native speaking clients, there are unique challenges that further complicate this process at times. In this article, we shall look at three specific issues that arise: rigid adherence to glossaries, competitive rather than collaborative reviews, and formatting decisions made without linguistic input.

The Challenges of Translation: Navigating Non-Native Speaker Client Requests

Translation is much more than just substituting words in one language with another; it is an art that requires understanding, cultural sensitivity, and technical skill. When one works with non-native speaking clients, there are unique challenges that further complicate this process at times. In this article, we shall look at three specific issues that arise: rigid adherence to glossaries, competitive rather than collaborative reviews, and formatting decisions made without linguistic input.

Khmer Traditional Age Calculation Method

The 12 orange dots represent different positions in this method. The animal years are aligned for the year Roka (2005). This changes each year. The current animal year starts at the brown arrow (second knuckle of your pointing finger) and proceeds clockwise through the years. Start at the green flower star if the age is at least 10 years old, otherwise start at the blue star marked as 1 and go counterclockwise.

The Importance of Document Translation in Cambodia

In Cambodia, as in many other countries, there are many situations where accurate document translation is essential. Whether it’s for immigration purposes, business dealings, or personal matters, having access to reliable translation services can make all the difference. When applying for immigration, for example, there are several common documents that require an accurate translation. These …

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Getting to Know Machine Translation Post Editing

Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE) is a process that involves editing machine-generated translations to improve their quality and ensure accuracy. It combines the efficiency of machine translation with the expertise of human editors to deliver high-quality translations. MTPE is particularly useful in situations where speed and cost-effectiveness are important factors, but a human touch is …

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Khmer Calendar

The Khmer calendar is a lunisolar calendar that has been used in Cambodia for many centuries. It is based on the movement of the moon and the sun and is similar to other calendars used in neighboring countries such as Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar. The Khmer calendar has two major components: the solar and the …

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The Most Interesting Language in the Planet: An Overview

Language is the tool that we use to communicate with each other. It is a fascinating and intricate part of human culture and history. There are thousands of different languages spoken all over the world, each with its own unique features, quirks, and interesting aspects. In this article, we will explore some of the most …

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Why human translators are better for Khmer

Humans are always better than machines when it comes to providing accurate translations of languages, especially in Khmer – the language spoken in Cambodia by over 15 million people. Though machine translation has made remarkable improvements in recent years, it is still able to accurately interpret and translate with the same accuracy and finesse as …

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